Author: DPS David


AdSense no longer shows YouTube metrics.

Gasp, scary warning message: What have I done wrong, I hear you cry! Don’t worry, nothing. Google’s had a play about and decided to separate out earnings from your YouTube channel into a separate...


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The holy grail for bloggers is to be sat on their blog with a flourishing comments section. It gives you great feedback, gives your visitors a chance to interact and helps you answer questions...


Programming – What is Input?

Yesterday, we looked at What is a Variable and one of the things we discovered variables are used for is storing user input. Most of the interesting programs in the world will include some...


Programming – What is a Variable?

Now variables, they make programming interesting. Think of a variable as a box. Variables have a name and a type and they store data inside of them. This data can be anything from a...


What is the fetch-decode-execute cycle?

Over the past couple of days we’ve been looking at What is Von Neumann Architecture and Von Neumann Architecture and Processors. During our exploration of Von Neumann architecture we mentioned the fetch-decode-execute cycle, which...


Von Neumann Architecture and Processors

Yesterday we starting taking a look at What is Von Neumann Architecture which is a great place to start if you’re new to all this. Following on from this post, we’ll explore the characteristics...


What is Von Neumann Architecture?

So what is Von Neumann architecture and why does it matter? To be honest, you’re probably aware of it even if you think you’re not. It’s just awaiting you to match this label to...


What is an algorithm and why are they useful?

Algorithms. They’re all around us. You might not have noticed but we are literally surrounded by them! Not only that, whether you realise or not you will have created and followed many algorithms just...