So, they’ve made the plan – it’s time for Carter and Edsilar to put it into action with their Alydian allies. Just got to get to engineering and deal with a warp core.
However, when they arrive, there’s just a slight knowledge problem… as well as a vital piece of information that no one thought to communicate. Weren’t all starships built like the Xeldi? If not, no one told the Alydians clearly.
A crazy plan is needed, as well as a crazy team to execute it.
Just when things are looking up, they look down again in a big way. Is there anyway the Alydian general (sorry, forgot his name – AGAIN!) can come back from it? Will Carter and Edsilar be sent on their merry way. And can they find a way to stop the Xeldi before it reaches the edge of known space in record time?
Join us and find out in The Overload Incident – Mission 30 on Star Trek RESURGENCE!