Star Trek RESURGENCE – The Last Guardian – Mission 29

Star Trek Resurgence - Mission 29

The gang set out on their mission to hump Portal Six Three (or Three Six) or just plain ol’ 63 if you prefer. Jokes – meet Portal Six Three.

The Last Guardian of the TKon empire is our only hope (oh wait, that’s Star Wars isn’t it?). Will Portal Six Three want to help us or will he cast us back to the shadows? In fact, with the Starfleet restriction on even travelling here and Captain, former Command, Riker’s last contact with Portal Six Three on the USS Enterprise over 16 years ago – how do we know he’s not moved house?

Will the gambit that Portal Six Three may help the Federation against his own people pay off. Or will this be a mission that the away team simply can’t return from – one way or another?

Find out with us as we enter The Last Guardian – Mission 29 on Star Trek Resurgence.

DPS David: