Star Trek RESURGENCE – A Stranger Among Us – Mission 31

Star Trek Resurgence - Mission 31

A Stranger Among Us you say? But who is it? Something is stopping Portal Six Three from pinpoint Galvin and the Xeldi but what is it.

Did Miranda Maris leave us a present before she abruptly exited the USS Resolute?

Bioscans have been performed to detect undercover TKon so surely we’ve got all bases covered? But, has everyone been scanned? Tylas is very nervous by nature – but is she hiding a bigger secret?

Or maybe Jara has been compromised after her many jaunts down to Hotari, the mine and other assorted away missions?

Can Captain Solano help Commander Rydek with the investigation before it’s too late?

It’s time for us to find out who is A Stranger Among Us in Mission 31 on Star Trek RESURGENCE!

DPS David: