Change of Station and Lower Decks – Mission 1 & 2- Star Trek Resurgence

Welcome to the first missions of Jara and Carter as we jump into the world of Star Trek: Resurgence which was released this week!

The new action/adventure game by Dramatic Labs is the first new non-open world Star Trek game that we’ve seen for a while and we sure are excited!

We start off with Change of Station as we are introduced to Jara, the new first officer on the Resolute, which has recently been rebuilt and reassigned following a devastating accident 6 months earlier involving the loss of 23 of its crew – including its first officer. In comes Commander Jara to take the helm!

Then we get introduced to Carter, a crew member aboard the Resolute in Lower Decks as we get our first look into the amazing architecture and sprawling size of the Resolute.

This is only the beginning – but it sure looks exciting! Stay tuned as we progress through our adventures with them both in Star Trek Resurgence!

DPS David: