By George they’ve done it! STACKING CHARGES WORKS in Police Simulator 9.0.0 as we take on our bold challenge of Shift 22 in downtown Brighton!
There’s been LOADS of complaints online about it not working – including in our video yesterday – but today there’s been fightback from others claiming it is indeed working.
So where’s the truth at? To complicate matters, not only is Police Simulator 9.0.0 available on PC as well as various consoles but it was updated at the same time – a mean feat even for seasoned game developers.
Unfortunately for us, scrolling the forums all the ‘fixes’ for stacking charges are specific to XBox and Playstation. So does stacking charges really work on PC in Police Simulator or is this another platform-specific bug?!
Find out with us as we launch ourselves into Police Simulator 9.0.0 Shift 22 with a mission (self-appointed of course!) of STACKING as many charges as we can!
Enjoy! 🙂