Guy Goma: ‘Greatest’ case of mistaken identity on live TV ever?

We have to go all the way back to 2006 when we meet Guy Kewney… OR so we thought at the time! This was in fact Guy Goma. No one knew yet, but this man was about to become a legend?
Why? Because he turned up for an interview at the BBC of course. Except, this wasn’t his interview. His interview was for a job but instead he got propelled to Internet fame through the blunder where he immediately became a music industry expert!
To be fair to Guy, he successful predicts the rapid growth in online music that we’re all aware of today so a definite, big techie congratulations from us for that! He’s reached the peak of stardom clearly as he has his own Wikipedia page!
Just look at his face when he realises what happens! At the start of the interview he does try to explain but it seems to go over the reporters head!
Wonder what Guy is doing these days? Hope you’ve enjoyed reliving (or seeing for the first time!) one of the greatest interview moments in BBC News history!