Free Coding Course for Kids

School’s out, but online learning, whilst a staple of the modern educational environment, has rocketed over recent weeks and there’s freebies out there for the taking across nearly every school subject!
Even PE (thanks Joe Wicks!).
SAP, via their openSAP platform (free registration required) is usually the place for SAP professionals to pick up new skills but also hosts a number of community courses – including one for kids.
Get Coding with Snap
Get Coding with Snap is designed to give children an introduction into the wonderful world of computer science via a friend, block-based, open-source programming language.
Sound complicated? Step aside parents, the kids are excited now – and they’ll get the hang of it in no time!
The course is offered for free and in English, German and French. If they fancy a challenge, and brushing up on their MFL at the same time then they could always take the course in a language other than their mother tongue!
You can follow along with the course from Wednesday (April 1st – no Aprils Fool, I promise you!) and will remain open right through until June 30th, when hopefully things are looking a little better!
As an on-demand course, you can learn when it suits you – so feel free to schedule computer science class at the best time for your family!
Enrol for ‘Get Coding with Snap!’ now!
Class dismissed! (For now anyway!).