BREAKING – Nominet Torpedos Coronavirus Community Support Site

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In what could be considered a considerably over-zealous approach, Nominet, the governing registry for UK domain names has taken down, without warning, a new community forum offering support and companionship to those who find themselves isolated due to the current global Coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Community, set up to offer advice, support and a general place to hang out was unceremoniously taken offline without warning this evening, prior to a notice detailing this being sent out.

Once provided, the notice merely stated that further information was required and that they would still be charging for the domain whilst refusing to resolve the domain to server – despite the fact the site had been live for over 24 hours.

Initial reports suggest that this is part of a wider initiative activated today to clear the web of Coronavirus websites seeking to impersonate legitimate government or medical websites or scam people out of money.

However, in their haste to act, Nominet has taken down at least one valuable community resource and potentially many others.

Whilst Nominet’s intentions are surly noble, the destruction of valuable community resources at a time of crisis is likely to bring The Official Registry for UK Domain Names under scrutiny.

We understand that this may have occurred purely due to the fact the word ‘coronavirus’ has appeared in the domain name.

When Nominet issued the notice to Coronavirus Community just before 21:00 BST on Monday, their offices have shut for the day leaving community users stranded without a vital community resource in the meantime.

Questions are raised over the due diligence process being used by Nominet as a cursory look at Coronavirus Community shows it to be a website offering links to official government advice on the outbreak and how to stay safe as well as providing an area for communities to socialise now that strict social distancing measures are in place in the UK.

When we attempted to contact Nominet we received a message that their offices are closed. A response to the notice requesting more information was responded to within 15 minutes of the initial notice being received with a plea for Nominet to restore the community forums as quickly as possible.

We are currently awaiting comment from Nominet.

Fingers crossed that this valuable resource is back up and running in no time at all. Remember, stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.

For up to the date advice from the government regarding Coronavirus, please visit the official Gov.UK page.

DPS David:

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