Looking for a New PHP Framework? Try Symfony

Fed up of your current framework or just looking to branch out?
Then Symfony 2 might be for you – and this week only, Pluralsight are offering a free ‘Starting in Symfony2‘ course with nearly five hours worth of content by Leanna Pelham & Ryan Weaver.
What is Symfony?
Symfony is a PHP framework that adopts the Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. Symfony2 allows you to develop powerful, real-world applications.
In this course, you’ll dive into many great features including services, containers, events, forms and Doctrine.
So, The Course…
Symfony is a PHP web application framework that leverages an MVC design approach. Once you’ve mastered Symfony, you’ll not only be able to build something amazing, you’ll also be familiar with some of the most important programming concepts and web best practices of today. Join us as we start from the beginning: installing Symfony and starting to build our first pages. We’ll then build a real events site complete with forms, security, complex database relationships and much more. Along the way, we’ll learn about services – a hugely important concept to modern frameworks that will unleash you going forward.
Leanna Pelham & Ryan Weaver
Head over to Pluralsight now and enjoy this course for free. Love Pluralsight? Use our referral link for up to 50% off!