What is _notes?

Adobe Dreamweaver

_notes is a folder created by Adobe Dreamweaver that stores configuration files in a language called XML to basically keep track of the site synchronisation between your file system and that of your server.

Can I delete _notes?

Absolutely you can. But should you, or do you want to?

The answer might be simpler than you’re thinking. If you’re not using Adobe Dreamweaver, then absolutely you can. The _notes folder is to keep track of IDs in Dreamweaver between local sites and your remote server. No Dreamweaver means no requirement for the folder. And in a similar fashion to the __MACOSX folder, it’s useless tat in these circumstances. Commonly, these folders are left behind when a developer has previously used Dreamweaver but has moved away – usually in search of a more affordable (read: preferably free!) tool that doesn’t mean they have to take out a second mortgage!

But I’m still using Dreamweaver!

OK, the answers not as clear cut. But it’s not a definite yes to keeping it.

The key thing here is whether you use the Dreamweaver site synchronisation feature. If you don’t, then it’s still happy days – you can delete it. With most developers, including those using Dreamweaver, now approaching deployments in a much more simpler fashion a la FTP, or employing a more complex deployment process a la Git and using deployment pipelines, this feature is now for many developers obsolete.

If you’re using a modern deployment process and version control such as Git, you can take a look at this short article on how to prevent further _notes folders being created to prevent further clean up required. Some users have reported, in a rather understandably disgruntled manner – that this may not be as effective as it should be! This could be down to rather confusing nomenclature on Adobe’s part however, by having a design notes feature embedded within Dreamweaver which appears to be causing some confusion.

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