MozyPro Ruled Out as a Trigger for OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’

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Following our research into alternative third party software triggers for the resilient OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’ we identified a couple of reports from users who thought that MozyPro (the cloud based backup facility – also available as a home edition – MozyHome) was a possible trigger, as their problems lessened after uninstalling it.  There has been some other reports of crashes on both Windows and OS X not directly related to this specific bug also.

So based on this knowledge, we decided to test out the theory on our machine, and removed MozyPro completely and deactivated our previous solution, to identify if MozyPro was indeed affecting the kernel panics.

After uninstalling Mozy we proceed with our tests.  Although there was slightly longer uptime than we have previously seen, the differences were insignificant and likely due to experimental variation (i.e. because we changed some of the ‘variables’, uninstalling Mozy, as part of the test).  The first kernel panic occurred within 9 minutes of our test beginning.

So, based on our tests the use of MozyPro (or other Mozy products) does not have any bearing on the current OS X BSOD superbug.

Please note that MozyPro is sometimes marketed as MyBusinessWorks in the United Kingdom.

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Ben Stones
12 years ago

Google “os x superbug” 😉


[…] to pinpoint whether a specific application  on their Macs are causing the issue. DPS Computing has investigated as to whether an application called MozyPro, a cloud-based backup facility, was the root cause of […]

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