Anonymous Compound The Misery In Greece

Anonymous logoAnonymous, the online cyber activist organisation, doesn’t miss an opportunity when one is presented to itself.

To capitalise on the latest civil unrest in Greece, they have attacked and taken down the websites of the Greek Prime Minister and the Greek Police Force.

Violence is erupting in Greece with the epicentre of violence concentrated around the countries capital, Athens.  The city is currently under siege as Police try to contain the ever escalating violence.  The cause of the violence is the extreme austerity measures that have been proposed by the Greek government in response to the countries ever deepening debt crisis, which could soon seen the country default on some of its debts.  On one side of the argument, the Government and its supporters say that the extreme and deep cutting measures will mean that Greece can get on the path to financial recovery.  Opponents of the controversial Government plans say that the austerity measures will only compound the misery and make a dire situation, completely hopeless.

While the battle is being fought on the streets of Greece, an online battle is now being waged with Anonymous taking full advantage of the situation in the country.  The reasons for Anonymous’ attacks are like to be related to the controversial Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) that was signed by most EU member countries earlier this month.

DPS Computing can confirm that the Greek Prime Ministers website is still unavailable following the attack earlier today.  DPS Computing can also confirm that the official website of the Greek Police also remains offline following the attacks.

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